TFortis equipment is used in projects of different scale across Russia and abroad, including building video surveillance systems in its home city, Perm. A perfect example of that is the new terminal of Perm International Airport, where TFortis switches are installed for the external monitoring of the airport territory and are a crucial element of the security system.
The customer in this project was Beltel JSC, an experienced system integrator.
The new terminal opened two weeks ago and already claims to be one of the best in Russia. It meets international standards. The project was delivered on time and the terminal has already been fully commissioned. As a result, the capacity of the airport during high hours will now exceed 900 people per hour, and it is planned to receive up to 4.5 million passengers per year. According to the project, the total area of the building is 30 thousand square meters. At the moment, the terminal only serves domestic flights, but in the first half of 2018 it will begin to operate for international destinations.
There are plans to proceed with the expansion of the airport next year. Fort Telecom solutions will also be used again.